
A warm hello! 

In a world that is consistently divided over differences, a story becomes a powerful tool to bring people together. Fate brought you to this travelogue, and I am glad it did. At twenty three, I am set to share my story with the world – from the mountains that I hiked by myself in Argentina, to the many protests I attended in Berlin.

From the Pilgrimage in Makkah to Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka, to the concrete city giant in Pakistan to secretive Najavo Native ceremonies in Arizona, my experiences have taught me one magical lesson: the unknown or the ‘different’ always holds a pleasant surprise.

Join me as I unfold my journey of a lifetime. 

And if my stories encourage you to interact with a someone that intrigues you, then it is time for you to share your own story of wonder.

All love,
Ezza Naveed Irfan

(All content is copyrighted)